Great Value for Money

Tony consistently gave me work, when others wouldn't touch me. If he couldn't direct me in plays, he got me other work, teaching or script reading. He used to proudly boast 'I've cast this play entirely from my address book' And of me he used to say 'You're great value for money' which I absolutely loved. He gave me extremely insightful advise as a writer. He simply responded to one sprawling heap of nonsense with 'What is it FOR?' I still ask myself this about my own writing and other people's. He made such an impact on me as a person that for a few years other actors would say to me 'Have you ever worked with Anthony Cornish? Are you trying to be like him?' As a result of being cast in one of his productions, I met an actress who was to remain a close friend for a quarter of a century until her death. Only two weeks ago I reunited with an actor to whom Tony gave his first job straight out of acting school. He is now one of our most acclaimed and talented performers. Not so long ago I worked with a director whom Tony helped considerably in the early part of his career. You see, more than anything, his personality and intellect touched so many in the theatre here. He was a great character. Imposing. Honest. Dramatic. The last lunch meeting we had after a long teaching spell in the States, there was a moment's silence. He then said 'Talk to me. Talk to me' He was still ever keen to hear my opinions. He could frighten you with his immediate engagement and interest. Rare.
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