Martinis and Life

For me, Tony was all about Life! The stories, the dinner-parties, the spontaneous conversations...not to mention the more serious endeavors like directing and teaching. All of them aimed at "more life." Though there are loads of memories to share about my involvement in Tony's production of Peer Gynt(!), the memory that is, at present, most dear to me is our gathering at a variety of watering holes in Harvard Square to enjoy the perfect martini. Grafton's was high on the list for quite some time! I was writing my dissertation on the commedia dell'arte at the time, and these regular evenings of shared company and wide-ranging conversation were a tonic for my weary soul. How deeply blessed I felt in being with him for the space of two hours or so every two weeks. Many an idea coalesced over the martinis, and more often than not I found myself laughing uproariously at one of Tony's comments about the theatre or the world. I am so grateful for his presence in my life; how much richer I am because of him! Thanks for the chance to write this... Peace to everyone.
Webmaster Note: Although he's far to modest to include this fact in his submission, Michael, a Jesuit, is currently on a 30 day silent retreat yet was compelled to briefly break that silence in a tremendous gesture to help celebrate Tony. Thanks, Michael.
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