Remembering Tony

It has been a terrible year- I have lost my mother, two cousins and my dear friend Tony. We first met in 1982 when he lived in Judd Street, five minutes from my house. As a young actor he was very supportive to me and we worked together on many occasions when he was directing drama at Capital Radio. At the time the Home Office didn’t recognise my refugee status from Cyprus and I was facing a deportation order. Tony was very sympathetic to my case – not only he wrote excellent references whenever it was required, but also took time off from work to accompany me and give me moral support at the Tribunal. Luckily I won my case and Tony stayed a great friend ever since. In the meantime I got to know Linda and Simon and we spend many times together either dining or visiting the cinema. The last time I saw Tony was at the hospital where I visited him twice – sadly he did not recognise me. But I will always remember the good times we spent together and his generosity.
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